ROI Calculator – A How to Use Guide
Following is the guide on "How to Use the WAN Optimization Calculator" given in the website.
WAN Optimization consists of several components and each plays a part in improving overall WAN performance. Broadly, the components of WAN Optimization can be divided into WAN Redundancy, Load balancing, QoS, Compression, Deduplication and Caching. The effect of WAN Redundancy, Dynamic Load Balancing and QoS on network performance cannot be measured per se but its effects are easy to discern. For example, if optimization is conducted without WAN Redundancy, and the connection to the WAN fails, optimization cannot be carried out. Dynamic Load Balancing ensures the best connection to the WAN is utilized. In the absence of load balancing, the line itself may be sub optimal and hence the baseline from where optimization starts is lower. The final output will also be lower. It is intrinsic and non- measurable in absolute terms. QoS ensures sufficient bandwidth for various applications. The absence of QoS will allow optimization to be carried out but could suffer from an inherent throttling of vital application data. Again, not measurable in absolute terms, but its effects are self evident.
The calculator uses a variety historical empirical data to calculate performance and the Return on Investment. The user can substitute their own data for this if they prefer
Step 1 of 3 – Definition of Ap
plication Bandwidt
h Requirements
In this section, the user has the option to
define the percentage of
traffic in all or
selected categories from
the following categories
RDP/Thin Client
Other – difference betw
een input numbers and 100%
To input data on this page, do the following
Check application type in the first column
Fill in the corresponding value of this ty
pe of traffic as a percentage of the total
When a value is entered for the percentage of a type of application, the
calculator enters historical empirical
data for speed increase in the first run
(column 3). This ratio represents how
much faster data will transverse the
network in the first run. This increas
e is due to compression and optimization.
Users can input their own values by ov
erwriting the calculator inputted data.
The speed increase ratio for the second run,
which includes caching, is given in
the next column (column 4). Again this
value is entered automatically from
historical data. The user can also enter their data.